Saturday, February 1, 2025

A Foxy February


Hello everyone ! I seem to be drawn to foxes lately in my art.  In Native American lore, they represent cleverness, intuition, adaptability and playfulness. All of these qualities are important ones for navigating through challenging times. This collage pictured is my latest one in a series I am making for my upcoming show at the Northside library in April. Stay tuned for more info on that as the time nears. 

My music continues to bring me much comfort and joy. I have been reviving some older Spanish guitar pieces for my own pleasure and education. Some of these pieces I would not likely play for my patients but I learn from them and I am always working on growing and improving my knowledge and technical abilities. 

I have been reading some interesting books for CEUs (continuing  education credits) toward my certification degree. The last one I finished was “I Heard There Was a Secret Chord” by Daniel Levitin. My favorite quote from the book is, “Your relationship with music takes place in a secret language, known only to you and to her. The secret chord is  you, the product of all of your life’s encounters; every word or note heard, every thought shared or kept to yourself, every dream achieved or struck down. “ Wow!  How about that for food for thought to ponder! 

It is now February and I have noticed the days are getting longer. Won’t be long now before spring. Keep on going! Thanks for stopping by!