Friday, December 28, 2012

This Little Light of Mine...

I'm gonna let it shine!

What fun we had today out at Mountainside Senior Living.  The group started off rather small and a bit sleepy when all of a sudden, during, "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" came a big voice from behind me.   I turned to see a sprightly African American woman singing louder than any of us as she push herself in her wheelchair to join us. Or should I say, lead us. From there we sang, "Down by the Riverside", "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot" and by the time we got to, "This Little Light of Mine" a crowd was gathering around. Usually the people in the group sing softly but this woman was a powerhouse! When we sang, "Wade in the Water" she harmonized with me as if we had been a professional duo for a long time. The others in the group noticed it too. "Wow! you are a good team!"

After each song, we gave a hearty laugh until the next song started up. We sang a bunch of Christmas songs too and ended with "Happy New Year to you" (to the tune of Happy Birthday)


  1. Hi Blue
    I know where that senior home is located and i also know you brought A WHOLE LOT OF JOY TO THOSE GOOD PEOPLE ;)
    Keep on letting your light shine as your music opens their lives even more.
    Happy New Year Blue

  2. I love that place! They are such nice people there! Happy New Year to you too, Kate!
