Tuesday, November 28, 2017

A Thanksgiving Song

Hello out there! I am a little late in wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving holiday. I got so busy that it has taken some time.  I myself had a very nice holiday.  I spent the morning working at a nursing home and I led a sing along before the big meal at noon. Later, I spent the afternoon and evening caring for two dogs of a friend out in the countryside. It was a very quiet evening and I much enjoyed watching the evening stars shining in the sky. Since I live in the city, I can rarely see many stars. 
I did get inspired this year to come up with a "Sound of Music" themed Thanksgiving songs. I will post the favorite of the batch below. Enjoy!

My Thanksgiving Foods (to tune of “My Favorite Things”) 
Turkey and dressing
And yams and potatoes
Gravy and biscuits and fresh stewed tomatoes
Crimson red cranberries sure beat the blues
These are a few of my Thanksgiving foods
Creamed spinach soufflé and bacon with green beans
Broccoli, steamed carrots and let’s have more protein
Virginia ham for the rest of the brood
These are a few of my Thanksgiving foods
Corn in cheese sauces with paprika spices
Casseroles brimming with wild brown rices
Silvery champagne could bring some new moods
These are a few of my Thanksgiving foods
When the pie burns
When the cake flops
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my Thanksgiving foods
And then I don't feel so bad

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