Saturday, February 1, 2025

A Foxy February


Hello everyone ! I seem to be drawn to foxes lately in my art.  In Native American lore, they represent cleverness, intuition, adaptability and playfulness. All of these qualities are important ones for navigating through challenging times. This collage pictured is my latest one in a series I am making for my upcoming show at the Northside library in April. Stay tuned for more info on that as the time nears. 

My music continues to bring me much comfort and joy. I have been reviving some older Spanish guitar pieces for my own pleasure and education. Some of these pieces I would not likely play for my patients but I learn from them and I am always working on growing and improving my knowledge and technical abilities. 

I have been reading some interesting books for CEUs (continuing  education credits) toward my certification degree. The last one I finished was “I Heard There Was a Secret Chord” by Daniel Levitin. My favorite quote from the book is, “Your relationship with music takes place in a secret language, known only to you and to her. The secret chord is  you, the product of all of your life’s encounters; every word or note heard, every thought shared or kept to yourself, every dream achieved or struck down. “ Wow!  How about that for food for thought to ponder! 

It is now February and I have noticed the days are getting longer. Won’t be long now before spring. Keep on going! Thanks for stopping by! 

Friday, January 10, 2025

A Magical Forest for 2025


Hello all and Happy 2025! There is much change going on and our future remains uncertain. I am finding that focusing on the magical elements of life is helping me to stay optimistic. Always the future is full of possibilities and what we focus on is what we experience. I am not saying to deny the dark forces that are around us but use them as a way to find the light in the darkest days. 

Attached is my first collage of the year.  One friend described it as “intricate yet serene” and I feel that sums it up well. There is a lot going on with animal life and nature’s lines intertwined. Colors and rhythms flow in a moment of stillness to catch our breath. 

Music is my biggest inspiration and I see this as full of rhythm and harmony and melodies. When I play my own compositions, if they could be visual, I think they would look like this piece. There is an order and flow but a unique vision that only i can see and share. We all have a unique voice. Something that comes to mind is that we each have a unique view and vision.  Embrace that and celebrate that and share that with others. 

So if this is my first collage of the year, that makes me wonder - what lies ahead? What is being called to appear on the horizon?  Only time will tell and I will share with you my next vision . 

I hope this finds you at peace and that you can find some magic in your life. Don’t let the darkness overwhelm you, there have always been dark times. But there have always been people doing good but the media may not be focused on them right now. Thank you for stopping by and wishing you all the best! 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Happy New Year!


Hello everyone and I hope everyone had a peaceful and joyous  Christmas and holiday season.  I have been reflecting on the past year. It has been a  year of many losses (friends who have passed away) but also many blessings. 

I would say the collage attached sums up a lot of what I feel.  There is the saying, “No Mud, No Lotus,” and that rings  true. The frog is a whimsical creature to me and in these dark times, I am trying to cultivate an attitude of looking for magic and whimsy in my life. There was a time many years ago, I was not worried about the news and politics and who voted for whom, etc. I do not want those things to control my life and rob me of my joy now. So I look to art and music to continue to bring me and others joy and healing. 

I spent my Christmas at the hospital playing for patients. Since I am not a politician and I don’t have much power to control worldly events, all I can do is focus on making a difference in my small part of the world.  I am grateful for the gifts of music and art and I will continue to devote myself to contributing to the light,  healing and joy in the world. 

I once read an article that said if you should feel down this time of year, you are only aligning yourself with the seekers who came before you who searched for the light in the darkest days. 

May we all find our light in the darkest days . Happy New Year to All! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2024


Hello! It has been awhile since I last wrote and now we are in the midst of the fall season .  Much change is upon us. Recently we had an election and many of us are upset by the results. I am one of them but I feel that I must focus on the positive things in my life. My work, my music and art and my friends. 

This collage I did pictured above is titled Mirage and to me it is a metaphor for lots of things.  I took two opposite things and juxtaposed them together. The desert with fish and you can see how harmonious they look together.   It is possible for us to live tougher in harmony even with opposing beliefs. Rather than focusing on the doom and gloom of possible future outcomes, I choose to focus on one day at a time. 

I hope you will join me in finding the light in the darkest days.  We as a society have seen many dark times and it is when the best of humanity can arise.  Some of the best music and art came out of uncertain times. 

I thank you for coming by today and I wish you the best! 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Full Circle


Hello out there!  This summer I started playing the drum set again after not doing so on a regular basis in 44 years! Our drummer in The Flashbacks band was away this summer, so I filled in and I had a great time!  My favorites were, “La Negra Tiene Tumbao,” “Minnie the Moocher,” Jobim’s, “Corcovado,” among others. I just love bossa nova and Latin American grooves! I plan to continue playing drum set this fall! 

In addition, my art show at The Center at Belvedere is still going on until the end of August. I had a lovely time at the reception for it on July 30th. I am continuing to make new pieces and I am currently working on a Lighthouse series. Two of them are with Northern Lights,. 

I hope the summer has been going well for all of you and thanks for stopping by! 

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Summer Art Show at The Center at Belvedere!


Hello and happy summer to all! I am happy to announce that my art show at The Center at Belvedere in Charlottesville hung July 1st and will stay up until the end of August !  This show features 5 from my favorite series of the solar eclipse. There are 6 other pieces in the show. It is hung on the 2nd floor right near the stairs. Can’t miss it. I am very excited about it! 

There is also a lot of music going on in my life as always. I recently started playing the drum set in my band The Flashbacks. It has been over 45 years since I have played drum set with any regularity. We are preparing for our summer concert at The Center on Friday July 26th! More on that later. 

I continue to love my work playing for patients for hospice and the hospital. Life is good! 

We are living in very trying times and it is my hope that my art and music brings hope and joy into our dark times! 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Under the glorious total eclipse


Hello everyone and I hope this finds you well and enjoying this lovely spring! I have been very busy working on art for 4 upcoming shows. This year I have done quite a few new collage and pictured above is one from my total eclipse series. I did not experience the total eclipse first hand but I did see the partial eclipse and it was pretty amazing. I got so inspired by this event that you can see the results above. 

I will be having an art show July and August at The Center of Belvedere and at UVA hospital (part of their employee art show). 

I have also been very busy with my music this spring.  I play percussion in 4 bands and last weekend the Second Wind band where I play snare and auxiliary percussion havre a concert.. Our jazz band also played and that was a lot of fun! I am currently on summer break from the Second Wind band but I keep on with my conga playing in The Flashbacks. 

My work playing for hospice and hospital patients continues and I love it as always. This coming fall will mark 20 years of playing at UVA hospital ! 

Thank you all for stopping by ! Feel free to reach out anytime!