Monday, June 23, 2014

How about some sonic tonic for breakfast?

You may know I am a Certified Music Practitioner   but what does that mean?   Certified Music Practitioners (CMPs) are musicians who play live therapeutic music to provide a healing environment for those who are ill or transitioning. Therapeutic music is an art based on the science of sound. It is live acoustic music, played or sung, specifically tailored to the patient’s immediate need. It is is a gentle non-pharmaceutical intervention to promote well being.
Certified Music Practitioners (CMPs) are trained through The Music for Healing and Transition Program (, which is accredited by the National Standards Board of Therapeutic Musicians.

It is work I love to do and so opposite of the world of performing or my other life as a singer/songwriter.  Imagine playing music to help someone relax and fall asleep. If playing a concert this would be considered a big insult! But in the work as a therapeutic musician,  falling asleep is the best compliment you can get. I love watching the monitors in ICU and the heart rate dropping as they connect with the slow rhythms I am playing.

Since I play the guitar and it is a common instrument, I often get questioned in the elevators or in the hallways. "Where is the concert?" "Do you play bluegrass?" "Do you want to jam?"  and they are logical questions because people automatically think of music as entertainment. Nothing wrong with that! But I love how music can be used almost like a food and source of nutrition. If someone is in ICU, I feed them something very easy to digest. Bluegrass would likely have to wait until the good news of going home (a bit too fast of a beat for critically ill people).

I love the message on the image about about all the things music is. Science, math, language, art--yes to all!

Do you have favorite songs you like to listen to when you are down and need a lift? Do you have something to help motivate you when you need a push? Do you have music to clean the house? Music is such a necessary part of life! Feel free to tell me some songs you like. I'd love to hear from you.

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