Wednesday, March 27, 2013

My life in 90 seconds

Imagine a film about your life story told in just 90 seconds.  That's where I was today, being interviewed for a mini-film about my life. It was at the Light House Studio and which is a non profit organization that teaches teens how to make films.  It was a great time working with the students!
I was interviewed about my music work in the community with VSA Arts, which is an non profit dedicated to promoting the arts with people with disabilities.

We talked about my cochlear implant and my journey to learning to hear again with a bionic ear.  I brought some of the paperwork I used when I was going through aural rehab. Things I used in the "Listening Gym" which were a series of tests to write down what I heard. (got most of them wrong in the beginning!) It has been 4 years since I made that journey and it was interesting to look back on it all.

At the studio, Channel 29 News came and did a story on the Light House right before my interview. You can see the news crew in the photo above. It was such a nice day and I  honored they chose me to film. I am looking forward to seeing my life summed up in just 90 seconds! If only I could write with that much density--life as a Haiku!

Can you imagine your life story told in 90 seconds?

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