Monday, November 11, 2013

Healing music of Snatam Kaur

That's me just after our hour long chanting of Guru Ram Das--you can see I look like I am still moving. The wind is in my hair and sun in my eyes and song in my heart!

 This past weekend I went to Yogaville to participate in a weekend workshop, "The Healing Miracle of Yogic Chanting". Those of you who practice yoga most likely are familiar with Snatam Kaur's music and amazing voice.  We learned some Kundalini yoga sets in addition to traditional sanskirt mantras and chants.

I'd say perhaps my favorite class was where we chanted Guru Ram Das for 62 minutes.  Yogis know all about the science of music and its ability to raise energy and consciousness. I felt such peace and radiance while in her class. I also felt my voice open up more.

Snatam says that practicing yoga helps you to become more who you really are. She said, "it's kind of a relief to just be who you are. And it's a relief to others too."   After chanting Guru Ram Das for an hour, I felt what she was talking about. The thoughts that come up and things that want to distract me are always there. We always have a choice to go deeper into who we are. Music is a great way to do this!

Many years ago back in the early 90s I had a friend who was a Sikh and introduced me to this healing music. I learned the chant Guru Ram Das during a dark time in my life when I was confused and in search of direction. I believe that listening to that chant during that time helped me find my way to the path I am now on.

Have you had experiences like this with healing music? How has it helped you to become more who you really are?

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