This morning I am pinching myself--did that really happen last night? If I could bronze the evening and put it up on my mantel to always have, I'd love that. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to somehow save the evening in a jar like fresh rainwater--or maybe beautiful colored sand or even to wax it into a candle to burn forever?
The evening was a magical one for me playing at the beautiful Wayne Theatre in Waynesboro. The occasion was opening the show up for guitarist & composer extraordinaire, Michael DeLalla. Perhaps my favorite song of the evening was our last song whereupon I played a Native American flute solo and sang harmony on the old beautiful song "Witchi Tai To".
I have known Michael for many years through my stint as a folk radio DJ at WTJU. We met last night for the first time in person. And yet it felt as though I have always known him. We talked like long lost kindred spirits, sharing stories of guitar classes, teachers, travels, adventures.
It was a rare gem of a night that I will always remember.
Wishing you all a night to remember of your own soon! Thanks for stopping by!