Thursday, July 18, 2013

Anticipation of Syncopation

Rhythm. That's the first thing we hear while in our mother's womb, her heartbeat. It's why rhythm is such a primal force in our lives.  We all have a rhythm of life that feels best to us. Some people have very little structure in their day. Their meals are taken at different times and they sleep when they are tired. Others have meals at a set time pretty much each day and rise in the morning around the same time.  Then there are others still who combine a set rhythm and an improvised one.

Rhythm is a metaphor for living true to our own needs. Time for silence and solitude, time for connection and being with others.  So when I am drumming with others, I think of these things. How some of us keep to the original beat and do not stray. Others want to do their own constant solo, others play quietly, others loudly, some rush, some drag behind.

Today I led a couple of beats at  drum circle at JABA and one of them had a lot of syncopation. We talked about how that felt--the disruption of a constant rhythm, the unexpected hesitation, a surprise accent out of nowhere. It brings a feeling of anticipation. What will happen next? A good way to start the day.

Have you hugged your rhythm today?

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