Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Joys & Benefits of Singing

There is a great new book out that I am reading called, "Imperfect Harmony: Finding Happiness Singing with Others" by Stacy Horn. In it she tells the story of her 30+ years of the joy she has experienced singing in a choir. Her book also goes into some scientific findings of the medical benefits from singing. Here are some quotes from the book:

(p 146)  "Everywhere I look I find confirmation that music is having a positive physical effect. It excites all areas of the brain that have to do with emotion and memory. It brings atrophied back to life. People who can't remember information for more than a few seconds at a time can sing a long, complicated piece of music. Stroke victims who can barely speak can sing. People who can't talk at all can still sing. After being shot in the brain, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords learned to talk again by singing. Finally, when all other memories are gone, victims of Alzheimer's are still able to sing songs from their long-distant youth. Music is the last thing to go. "

I have seen this in my work with people! Here is another thing she says that I really liked:

p 148 "The emotional effects of participation in group singing are similar regardless of training or socioeconomic status. Group singing can produce satisfying and therapeutic sensations even when the sound produced by the vocal instrument is of mediocre quality."

Yes! That is such a testimonial of things I have felt for many years.  For instance, I've had discussions with people of the difference between having a "good voice" vs being a "good singer". A good singer does not necessarily have to have a good voice. Neil Young, Bob Dylan come to mind. A good singer is someone who sings from the depths of their heart and soul and can express emotion in such a way that others can feel and empathize with the sentiment.

Those who have heard me sing know that my voice is not at all one that would be described as "pretty" or "beautiful" ... some have described it as "compelling." But what i have is the love for singing and bringing people together and enjoying the group process and sharing.

In fact, I need to get going soon to a nursing home for our weekly singing session :)

Do you like to sing? Would you ever consider joining a choir?


  1. I love to sing, but so far only by myself. You could describe my voice as being "Dylanesque." LOL!

  2. I think that is fitting description of my voice too. I never had what folks would call a "beautiful" voice but that has never stopped me!
