Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Goodnight Ladies

At the senior home where I play each Wednesday night I have gotten to be quite fond of a few of the ladies there. We sing and chat and laugh and have such a nice time together.  They have been there now maybe a half year.  It is getting to be a long enough time where we are falling into a rhythm with each other.

Before I met them when it was time to leave, I used to slip out quietly without saying goodbye to anyone. But this past winter so many of the regulars passed away. For awhile it seemed each week I came in, I'd see flowers and a sign about another one who passed on.

So I decided with the new folks that came to live there that I'd always make a point to say goodnight to them when I left.  Each time I never know if it will be the last time I will see them and I would regret not saying goodbye to them. I leave now singing, "Goodnight ladies, goodnight ladies, goodnight ladies we're going to leave you now."

Another nice thing is there is a new CNA there who comes out and sings harmony with me on many songs. This place is going through a nice phase I like.

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