Saturday, December 21, 2013

Holiday cheer

Today I went to visit a friend who is in a mental health facility and I brought my guitar on the chance the staff would let me sing with the patients. It's always a bit difficult getting such things approved for places like that but the man on duty was immediately open to the idea.  We had to wait awhile for him to gather the patients and get an extra staff member to accompany us.

We were led to outdoor balcony where we sang for nearly an hour all the Christmas songs we knew.  It was really something to see faces people's faces change from looking sad and overwhelmed to smiling and laughing and clapping.

By far the favorite song was "Feliz Navidad". When I introduced it, I said: "This song makes everyone want to get up and dance!" and that is just what they did. There was a woman visiting her mother and as they danced happily together dosey doeing, I wanted to stop and take their picture.  Another woman tried to get someone to dance with her and when no one agreed to, she danced by herself.

Later as we sang some of the more contemplative songs, I saw one mans eyes fill with tears and a tear came to my eyes too.   The whole setting and time we had together was heart warming. As my father had mental health issues (a result from his service in the Korean War), I have always had a soft spot in my heart for others who suffer from such an affliction. I also know that this time of year can be especially difficult for people without family or friends around them.

Once again I was touched to bear witness to the power of music to transform. Even those who came out on the balcony initially skeptical or seemingly reluctant to join in did so.

Have you done much holiday singing?

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