Monday, December 23, 2013

Winter's Friend

I like winter. I grew up in snowy, windy and cold Chicago and I remember some bitter cold winters there.  I used to take long walks to school in the snow.  Even though I had my gloves on, I can remember not being able to write with a pen for awhile as my hands were so frozen. Sometimes I couldn't talk very well either, as my face was frozen. Yes, cold!

What I love about winter is that it is so quiet.  In the summertime one hears constant streams of noise from car stereos blasting, people playing in the park, lawn mowers and weed whackers. In the autumn we have leaf blowers. Winter.... no one is around! Look at the picture above, quiet and peaceful. There is something about winter that invites us to go within.

In summer I feel pressured to go, go, go and be out until it gets dark around 9pm. But winter? It is ok to spend hours inside playing my guitar. Reading a book. Drinking coffee or hot chai. I love the smell of a wood stove burning. I don't even mind having to wear sweaters and such.

I know many people really dislike winter and so I wanted to write a song that talks about all the things I like about it. I feel that winter gets a bad rap. So here is my song "Winter's Friend" to hear and enjoy. This may be my last post for awhile as I leave on the morning train for NJ for the holiday.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

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