Thursday, April 11, 2013

Been knowing you a long time

Today was a trip down memory lane when I saw a man who used to be in a coffeehouse social hour at a center where I worked with people with various disabilities. It has been since the mid 90s since I last saw him.

When I walked into the room where I was going to sing for a group today, he was sitting in a rocking chair off to the side of the room. As I immediately recognized him, I started to approach him when he said, "How have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time." I said, "Cecil, I have been knowing you a long time!" and he said, "I know you have known me a long time."

Now what is completely remarkable about this is that in all the 20+ years of knowing him, I never knew that he could talk. He would always fall asleep in the chair until coffeehouse was over. When I spoke to him, he would only nod. I never knew that he understood anything I said. 

So imagine my surprise that not only did he remember me, but to learn that he is much more capable and aware than I ever knew him to be. I wonder if perhaps medication in the past caused him to be too drowsy to be aware. But whatever the case may be--it was a great surprise.

When I was leaving, he told me that his birthday was coming up and I sang him "Happy Birthday".
I have learned today that sometimes we may think someone is not capable of understanding or communicating--but if you give them a chance, they may show you otherwise!

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