Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Amazing Grace and the drone of the floor buffer

Today at the hospital I played for several patients in ICU.   A few of them were in isolation which means I have to sit right outside the door and not play inside their rooms because of infection control regulations.   So as I sat playing outside the door of one patient, there came behind me a loud buzzing sound. It was someone with a big machine buffing the floor. Normally, I get irritated by this kind of background noise but instead this time I listened carefully as the buffing/buzzing sound drew nearer to see what note the machine emanated.  It turned out to be G, so I improvised in the key of G and used the buffing machine as a drone just like a bagpipe. The result made me smile. How's that for going with the flow?

Next I was sent to a patient that wanted me to play Amazing Grace. I was sitting outside her door too (another in isolation) and played the hymn that she requested and improvised around this melody for quite some time. At one point, I looked behind me and there stood about 5 or 6 nurses and doctors watching and listening to me playing. It is quite something to play music in ICU and some new doctors/nurses really are amazed by this. 

The last patient I played for on that unit had two guards from the Dept. of Corrections outside the door. It appeared the patient was a prisoner. There were about 4 nurses and staff working with this patient in a very caring way. I was very struck with how they treated this person with complete equanimity. It is a rare thing I bet for a prisoner to be treated with such kindness.

I know people are down on hospitals a lot but I can tell you, I see examples of this kind of kindness all the time. It is one reason I go there even on days when I am a little down because it lifts me up to see this. Today was one of those days.


  1. Lovely post! Amazing Grace was one of my mother's favorite hymns...I'm sure the patient you played it for felt very blessed. I never thought of machines making noise in a musical key! Quite clever of you to utilize it to accompany your music.

  2. Hi Evelyn, Amazing Grace really is such a beautiful hymn and I love playing it. Thank you for reading and hope you are doing well!
