Wednesday, May 1, 2013

You call that "music"? by Jasper the cat

Hi it is me, Jasper--Blue's cat.   I have to talk to someone about what happened today.  Blue was making the craziest music I have ever heard in my life today! She is working on a soundtrack for a video that requires dramatic music sounds.  Anyway, get this. She recorded today sounds of an air raid siren with her drums! I was out of there! (had to hide upstairs under the bed)  If that is not enough, she used a thunderstorm sound effects behind her playing the harmonica! As if a real thunderstorm is not enough!

What do you make of this music?  Have humans gone crazy? Am I expected to pretend this stuff is pretty?   Are there any other cats out there who feel they might be forced to listen to awful sounds like this?

Ut oh, she is coming so I gotta go!! HELP!


PS that is me above in the picture and you can see I do not look happy. Do you also notice my empty  bowl in the left corner? Hello??? time to EAT!!!

ok bye!


  1. Awww Jasper, I hear ya! I am so sorry your human is neglecting you and hurting your ears! You definitely DO NOT look happy! Your ears and eyes tell the whole story. I am so sorry! Cats do not have a fair shake, do they?

  2. I stopped playing and I just fed him, so he is happy now.
