Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A transformation

Tonight I observed a transformation in one of the staff at at nursing home where I visit each week. I have seen this man weekly for months attend to the residents with a kind of cold indifference.  Until tonight, I have never heard him speak or see him smile.

Tonight though on several occasions, I saw him gently touching the arm of a distressed resident and saying things like "it's ok". He smiled warmly and even said hello to me (a first!). It was good to see him in this light and makes me see that things are not so black and white. Even in our darkness, there is light there emerging if we stop to look. The dove emerging from the clouds, the wings open in flight, the season preparing for spring. ~~~

Yesterday a funny thing happened with another group I sing with. I often let others from the group choose the songs. If no one calls out a song, then I go on with my own choices. We sang for an  hour until I said it was time for the last song.  I have a large binder of songs from all eras, genres and moods.  I asked Melanie what song she'd like and she said, "Puff the Magic Dragon" and guess what? That was the song I had opened to in my music binder. I said, "wow, that is so weird you said that!" and told her why. Now, it's not like Melanie could have seen my binder because she was sitting across the room and my music stand was not facing her. We had a laugh and sang this song.  I love it when those kind of things happen. It's a little magical, don't you think so?

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